Sunday, February 24, 2013

Project 6: Simplification Through Symbolism

This weeks assignment was intended to inspire "quick-fire" ideas but through methodical development. We first chose 10 quotes that contained imagery, then narrowed those quotes to the best 3. Next the best 3 quotes were accompanied by at least 10 thumbnails. Only the best thumbnail for each quote was selected for final production. My final designs were finished in Vector. Here are my designs and quotes.

I considered depicting a runner with empty pockets or a heart protruding out of a chest, but this was the simplest imagery. 

Because the quote suggests that seeds planted are greater than harvest reap, I chose to depict the seeds over the plant like in a division equation. 

Not my favorite but the idea was the create a broken world inside an apple. This one definitely needs some refinement because the pieces of the world are much too small to work in logo form. 

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