Saturday, January 19, 2013

InClass Assignment 2: The Paper Game

The Paper Game was fun, similar to bad game of telephone. You'll start with a quote and by the time the paper pad reaches the last person, there should be something more interesting than what originally started. The pad was passed around in a circle, one pass at a time. Every pass alternated between "a quote" and "an illustration." Only the previous page was allowed to be looked at, you could not flip through the rest of the book. We passed the book 11 times. So you can imagine how skewed the message became.  Displayed before you is the first quote and the very last illustration.

My quote was "Stay Class, San Diego!" The classic Ron Burgundy (Anchorman) sign off. It was a surprise to see this illustration, it was nothing that I could've imagined. However, the classiness still remains, with the "classy" wine theme. The snake is wrapped around a wine bottle and it's also grasping a wine glass in it's mouth. 

Overall I think it was another fantastic game. I'm really loving these drawing games because they're  inspiring and fresh, and I can incorporate them into parties, too.

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